Memorial Assistance Ministries (MAM) hosts an annual luncheon for their partners and supporters each year, which provides a unique opportunity for face-time with an important audience.

It had been several years since MAM produced a new luncheon video to share, and the organization hired a new CEO this year when the prior CEO retired, which meant that a new video was needed that would highlight the current leadership.

Titled “Mission at Work,” the video features a combination of stories from clients who have benefited from MAM’s services, as well as a statement from the new CEO to help set the stage for what MAM is doing overall as an organization.

All of the new interviews were shot on-site at different spots in MAM’s services building in one day, which was then edited with some previously shot B-roll that MAM provided. The clients were more than gracious in sharing their stories, and we captured enough footage to create individual story vignette’s for future use, in addition to what was needed for the luncheon video.

Given that we had several setups in one day, we used a two-light softbox setup with a small lavalier microphone to to help minimize the setup time between interviews. During the interviews, we used a small monitor to help the client review footage onsite to be sure we captured everything needed.

The video serves multiple purposes. First, it was shown at MAM’s Overcoming Obstacles Fundraising Luncheon, where it helped attendees see first-hand stories and gain a better understanding of the organization’s impact in a way that a written program can not. Additionally, the video was shared digitally to partners and supporters who couldn’t be at the luncheon to help them feel more connected to the organization’s mission.