This executive video was part of an annual report and meeting to help the CEO share important messages to a broad set of audiences, in a short amount of time. Serving as a “video letter,” the CEO talks directly to the viewer as if having an in-person conversation. The video was shot with a shallow depth-of-field on a minimal background to keep the focus on the CEO. 

The video achieved its goals to share a consistent set of messages, in an engaging format that could be distributed through a variety of channels such as online and social, all while putting a personal face to the story.

A few elements streamlined the process for the client. First, the on-location environmental setup was an easier fit into the CEO’s busy schedule. Second, shooting in 4k allowed the client to choose different views in the editing process, while keeping production costs down. And finally, an efficient post-production workflow allowed the client to make editing comments directly in the rough cut for a shortened review and turnaround time.

To see the video in context, view the video page on the client site: